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Christopher Paul Stelling

13. september 2024 21:00 14. september 2024 02:00 CEST

Vi har oppdaget en ny juvel på den amerikanske låtskriver og artisthimmelen, nemlig Christopher Paul Stelling fra Atlanta, Georgia. Vi måtte bare invitere ham til Kristiansand og Vaktbua!

Om artisten
To date Atlanta, Georgia based songwriter Christopher Paul Stelling has released 7 albums and played thousands of concerts across the US and EU.

Over the last decade, Stelling has toured as both headliner and as support for Son Little, Mavis Staples, and The Devil Makes Three, Ben Harper (who produced his 2020 album Best of Luck) and many others.

Stelling released a trio of albums for indie favorite Anti- records (Tom Waits, Merle Haggard, Niko Case) and has performed multiple times at Newport Folk Festival and on CBS Saturday Morning. Stelling is known for his intricate finger-style guitar and road tested vocal delivery.

Kr.274 Student Kr. 211

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Odderøya 3
Kristiansand, Odderøya 4610 Norge
+ Google-kart
(+47) 939 38 064
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